WOMEN AND FATIGUE, by Dr. Holly Atkinson. Highly recommended, this book is thorough and very practical, and covers the general topic of fatigue.
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, by Dr. Jesse Stoff and Charles Pellegrino (Random House, 1988). This is one of the best books on how to deal with CFIDS using a holistic approach. It offers a clearly described program of gentle exercise, visualization, vitamins, herbs and homeopathy to rebuild the immune system. Dr. Stoff also suggests natural support of the liver and thyroid and adrenal glands.
RECOVERING FROM CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, A Guide To Self-Empowerment, by Dr. William Collinge (Putnam, 1993). This highly recommended book focuses on recovery and taking an active role in your healing. Private consultations by phone. 1-800-745-1837.
TIRED OR TOXIC, A Blueprint For Health, by Dr. Sherry A. Rogers (Prestige Publishers, 1990). This is a thorough and well-illustrated guide to help people adjust to the chemical onslaught in our environment without getting sick. Available from Box 3161, 3502 Brewerton Rd, Syracuse, NY, 13220.
THE CANARY AND CHRONIC FATIGUE by Dr. Majid Ali (Lifespan Press, 1994, 201-586-9191). This book describes in detail the rationale behind Dr. Ali's intensive treatment program. Also available from Box 3161, 3502 Brewerton Rd, Syracuse, NY, 13220.
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME AND THE YEAST CONNECTION, A Get Well Guide For People With This Often Misunderstood Illness, and Those Who Care for Them. (Professional Books, Box 3246, Jackson, TN, 38302, 1992) by Dr. William Crook. Dr. Crook is an expert on this topic and offers a great deal of concrete information about natural and medical treatments in a format that is clear, well-illustrated and easy to understand.
FULL OF LIFE, How to Fight Epstein Barr Virus, Candida, Herpes and Other Immuno-depressive Disorders (formerly called PEAK IMMUNITY), by Dr. Luc DeSchepper, 2901 Wilshire Blvd, #435, Santa Monica, CA, 90403. This book provides valuable information about how to build up your immunity using diet, supplements, acupuncture and homeopathy.
DETECTING YOUR HIDDEN ALLERGIES, by Dr. William Crook. This well illustrated and practical book tells you how to play detective and find out your food as well as environmental allergies.
COPING WITH YOUR ALLERGIES, by Natalie Golos, and Frances Golbitz (Simon and Shuster, 1986). This book helps you diagnose allergies and environmental illnesses and gives practical advice on how to deal with each type of allergy.
REVIEW OF MAINSTREAM CFIDS LITERATURE (1990-1992), by Kendra Dayger. This review contains review of major CFIDS research to date, contact: CFIDS Rochester Research Project, 1200 Edgewood Ave, Rochester NY, 14618. An excellent book to give your doctor.
THE CFIDS ASSOCIATION, is a non-profit organization that publishes a comprehensive journal, CFIDS CHRONICLE, distributes educational material, funds CFIDS research and does advocacy for CFIDS.
NFR was begun by Dr. Bryon Hyde to provide information and support for people with CFS. It also actively supports research on CFS and publishes a quarterly newsletter. Membership is $35.00.
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