Quick Survey: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Coping With Lupus Naturally Audio Scroll Length - 03:34 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products MSM Great Help For Chronic Pain And Arthritis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disabling physical illness affecting 1 to 2 percent of the population. Seventy percent of the sufferers are women, and 10 percent are teens and children.

Likely precipitated by viral illness, CFS is caused by numerous predisposing factors that weaken the immune system. These include the overuse of antibiotics and steroids, environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, poor digestion and absorption, chronic yeast and parasite infections, physical traumas like surgery and car accidents, major psychological traumas, and chronic stress.


Other Symptoms: Sleep disturbances, depression, brain fog, muscle pain, low grade fever, sore throat, painful swollen lymph glands, prolonged muscle fatigue after exercise lasting more than 24 hours; impairment in short term memory or concentration; multi-joint pain without joint swelling or redness; headaches of a new type, pattern or severity; and unrefreshing sleep.




Coping With Lupus Naturally Audio Scroll Length - 03:34 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products MSM Great Help For Chronic Pain And Arthritis
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