Quick Survey: PMS And Premenstrual Strength
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PMS And Premenstrual Strength

Ninety percent of women in their reproductive years have symptoms before their periods. Half have mild symptoms a few days before their periods. The other 50 percent have symptoms that are more severe and last longer. Of this group, 5 to 12 percent will experience incapacitating premenstrual syndrome or PMS.



Physical and emotional symptoms 1 to 14 days before period that go away at or during period and that interfere with relationships and daily activities.


Physical: Breast swelling and tenderness, weight gain, abdominal bloating, constipation or diarrhea, headaches, sugar and salt cravings, clumsiness, insomnia, changes in sex drive.

Emotional: Mood swings, anxiety, irritability, weeping, anger, rage, depression, suicidal thoughts, physical or verbal aggression.

Diagnosing PMS?

Write down your symptoms every day, rating severity on a scale from 1 to 10 for three months.

If symptoms clustered in two weeks before period, probable PMS.


Diet: Reduce sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol. Small frequent meals. Avoid processed and junk food. Reduce dairy and meat.

Supplements: Vitamin-B-6, 50 to 200mg daily. Evening of primrose oil 2 to 6 capsules a day. Vitamin-E 200 to 400 IU daily. Magnesium 300 to 500mg daily.

Other Treatments:

Stress Reduction: Counselling and support. Consult with a sympathetic doctor. Drugs as last resort.

Positive PMS

The New View Of Endometriosis Audio Scroll Length - 03:06 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products Coping With Pelvic Infection
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