Action Form: The Yeast Among Us Section-2 Details Action Form: Chlamydia - The Greatest Threat To Reproductive Health

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Action Form: Bladder Blues

If you had a medical diagnosis, how difficult was it to get a correct one?
Don't Know Easy Difficult Impossible

What kind of experience have you had with the medical profession?
Don't Know Bad Good Excellent

If you used a alternative practitioner, what kind of experience did you have?
Don't Know Bad Good Excellent

What did you find worked for you?
Stress Reduction Vitamins Herbs Diet Change
Prescription Drugs Exercise Time-Off Body Work

Who would you like to be informed about this subject?
Medical Associations Government Regulatory Agencies Elected Representatives Drug and Supplement Manufacturing Companies

What following conditions do you think apply to you. (Check anything that might apply)

acute bladder infections allergic rhinitis allergies
asthma auto-immune disease back pain
bacterial infections of the bladder bacterial infection bladder attack
bladder pain bladder problems bladder infections
BLADDER DISTENTION: blood clotting burning sensation
burning chronic yeast infection chronic fatigue
chronic bladder infections chronic pelvic pain chronic bladder problems
chronic cystitis Chronic illness cravings
CYSTITIS diarrhea emotional stress
Emotional stresses environmental pollution Epstein Barr
fluctuations of blood sugar food allergies frequent urination
high mast cell count immune system dysfunction industrial chemicals
infective type of chronic cystitis inflammation of the bladder inflammation of the interstitium
inflammatory reactions interstitial cystitis long-term antibiotics
LOW BACK PAIN: lupus lupus erythematosus
marriage breakdown osteoporosis pelvic surgery
pelvic pain PELVIC SURGERY: pesticides
pinpoint bleeding pollution polyarteritis
repeated infections repeated episodes of bladder problems repeated bladder infections
repeated courses of antibiotics rheumatoid arthritis severe IC
simple bladder infection strains sugar cravings
suicide too little sex Too much sex
ulcer ulcerated bladder urinary infections
urinary frequency vaginal infection yeast infection

Check off any of the following items that you ingest.

acid foods acidic foods acidophilus
acidophilus powder acidophilus suppositories amines
amino acid amoxicillin ampicillin
anti-yeast preparations antibiotic treatment antibiotic pills
ANTIHISTAMINES: aspartame avocado
bananas bread cephalosporin
chocolate citrate cold medicines
cough syrups cyclamates dairy free acidophilus powder
diet pills DMSO elavil
erythromycin fermentum fruit
garlic H1 blockers H2 blockers
heparin herbs histamine
homeopathic remedies lactobacillus MOOD-ALTERING DRUGS:
NALMEFENE nitrofurantoin norepinephrine
nutrasweet nuts pentosanpolysulfate
pepsid phorbol esters potassium citrate
potassium progesterone-estrogen combinations Restoration Plus
Serotonin silver nitrate sodium pentosanpolysulfate
sodium bicarbonate sodium steroids
sugar Sulfa drugs SULFOXIDE
tetracycline TUMS tyramine
tyrosine vitamin-C yeasted bread
yogurt zantac

Check off any of the following therapies or procedures you use.

acupuncture BLADDER RETRAINING: bladder-proof recipes
elimination diet restricted diet TENS

Make your imput count. The information you submit will be compliled with all other submissions and used to activate for positive change in women's health.

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