Action Form: The Amazing World Of The Unborn Child Section-3 Details Action Form: Testing The Waters - All About Amniocentesis

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Action Form: Should Every Pregnant Woman Have An Ultrasound?

If you had a medical diagnosis, how difficult was it to get a correct one?
Don't Know Easy Difficult Impossible

What kind of experience have you had with the medical profession?
Don't Know Bad Good Excellent

If you used a alternative practitioner, what kind of experience did you have?
Don't Know Bad Good Excellent

What did you find worked for you?
Stress Reduction Vitamins Herbs Diet Change
Prescription Drugs Exercise Time-Off Body Work

Who would you like to be informed about this subject?
Medical Associations Government Regulatory Agencies Elected Representatives Drug and Supplement Manufacturing Companies

What following conditions do you think apply to you. (Check anything that might apply)

abnormal bleeding amniocentesis birth defects
childhood cancer chromosome breakage chromosome damage
delayed speech detection of fetal abnormalities developmental or growth problems
diabetes dyslexia early pregnancy
elevated alpha fetal protein growth defects heart problems
high blood pressure leukemia low lying placenta
major fetal malformations premature delivery risk of leukemia
risk of X-rays to newborns routine screening routine ultrasound
small babies speech and hearing disorders speech problems
structural defect threatened miscarriage too little waters
too much waters tubal pregnancy ultrasound exposure on human fetuses
ultrasound exposure to the fetus ultrasound exposure unnecessary anxiety
X-ray exposure

Check off any of the following items that you ingest.

fetal abnormality fetal abnormalities fetal X-ray exposure

Make your imput count. The information you submit will be compliled with all other submissions and used to activate for positive change in women's health.

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