Life Can Be A Drag Without Enough Iron - Page 247 Vital Women's Problems Section - Page 243 Life Can Be A Drag Without Enough Iron - Page 244 Exploring The Inside Of Your Uterus - Page 249

In my experience, I have found that ferrous sulphate is constipating and can cause stomach upset. Ferrous fumarate and ferrous gluconate are less constipating.

Iron supplements should also be taken with vitamin-C 500 to 1,000mg, or a glass of orange juice, at least once a day. Taking the iron with a good enzyme tablet or capsule (available at any health food store) will also increase the absorption of iron.

Vitamin-E should be taken six to 12 hours apart from the iron salts.

Iron is also available by injection, and this can be effective in exceptional cases of severe anemia. However, iron supplements taken by mouth will work just as well, only slower. The injections have many serious side effects, such as severe allergic reactions, and phlebitis. Leakage of the injection fluid will stain the skin permanently brown.

Some women experience nausea, heartburn, or constipation while taking iron supplements. This is why it is better to take the iron with meals, although the iron is best absorbed on an empty stomach. All synthetic iron supplements will turn the stools a pitch black colour.

Synthetic Iron Supplements Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products Conclusion The Dangers Of Too Much Iron

Generally speaking, iron supplements should not be taken for longer than six months unless there is continued vaginal bleeding or repeated pregnancies. Excess iron can be harmful to your body. It is not usually possible to overdose on iron from food and natural sources.

In September 1992, Finnish researchers reported on a study that linked heart disease with the build-up of excess iron in the body. The research director, Dr. Juuka Salonen, advised men to cut down on their consumption of red meat and to consider giving blood several times a year.

Researcher Dr. Jerome Sullivan believes that the sex differences in heart disease (women rarely get heart disease before menopause) can be explained by the fact that menstruating women have lower iron stores due to the regular blood loss. Thus he advises most adult men and post-menopausal women to donate blood several times a year, and to avoid taking iron supplements. Premenopausal women should not donate blood, as this can cause anemia.

Excessive iron storage is also strongly associated with diabetes. Toronto physician Dr. Paul Cutler found that lowering iron stores by precipitating out the iron, through a series of intravenous injections known as Chelation Therapy, resulted in a dramatic improvement in the diabetes.

The Dangers Of Too Much Iron Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products Resources: Conclusion

Since the iron in hemoglobin is the primary carrier of oxygen in your body, you should make sure that eating iron rich foods becomes an integral and enjoyable part of your lifestyle during the reproductive years. After menopause, you have less need for iron and usually no need for iron supplements.

Being ironclad means you retain vitality, and sparkle and literally the colour in your cheeks.

Conclusion Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products Exploring The Inside Of Your Uterus Resources:

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