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Emotional Conflicts Can Drain You Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products Biology And Hormones Play A Big Role Additional Tests May Show A Medical Cause

Medical causes of fatigue should be carefully sought after. A detailed history of your fatigue and a thorough physical examination by your doctor are more important than lab tests in determining the causes of your fatigue. However, lab tests should also be done when appropriate.

Due to the monthly blood loss, women are particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia. A hemoglobin or complete blood count may not reveal decreased iron stores or decreased iron levels in the blood. These additional tests should be requested if an iron deficiency is suspected and especially in the case of heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding.

Other causes of fatigue may be an underactive thyroid or a hidden urinary or pelvic infection. Less obvious but very important causes of chronic fatigue are delayed food allergies, environmental allergies, hypoglycemia, intestinal parasites, chronic yeast infections and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Sometimes fatigue may be the first sign of diabetes and hypertension. Other medical diseases such as chronic emphysema and rheumatoid arthritis have fatigue as a direct result of the disease.

Fatigue following major surgery and lasting one to three months afterwards is quite common. Fatigue following hysterectomy may last a much longer time. Many cancer treatments have fatigue as a side effect. Chronic pain problems are almost always accompanied by chronic fatigue.

Additional Tests May Show A Medical Cause Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products Here's How You Can Re-energize Your Life Biology And Hormones Play A Big Role

Menopause and childbirth are pivotal events in a woman's life, and are often accompanied by fatigue, probably due to fluctuating hormonal levels. While raising small children, plain old lack of sleep is the principal cause of fatigue. Premenstrually, women may also find their energy levels fluctuating, especially if adequate attention is not given to proper nutrition, rest and stress reduction.

Biology And Hormones Play A Big Role Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products Disabling Fatigue That Will Not Respond To The Above Measures Here's How You Can Re-energize Your Life

When your bank of energy is depleted, you have to start making regular deposits. Then if another health crisis or major life trauma should develop, your bank will not go bankrupt.

The first step is to recognize that you are fatigued. The next step is to visit your doctor for a thorough check up and lab tests. Then go over all the possible causes of fatigue in your life and draw up a plan to overcome them.

Reduce your work load as much as possible. Recognize your limits. Learn how to say no without feeling guilty.

Work out with your partner and children a fair division of household labour. At the same time lower your standards of housekeeping as much as possible. Leave some things undone and don't worry about it. Delegate as much as possible to other members of the family.

Avoid all diets and stick to nutritious meals emphasizing fresh fruits and vegetable and whole grains. Try not to go for long periods of time without eating.

Avoid energy traps like coffee, tea, soft drinks, junk foods, sugar and sugar substitutes.

Cut down on alcohol and cigarette consumption.

Recognize if you or any member of your family has a problem with alcohol or drug addiction and get help to deal with it.

Find an exercise that you really enjoy and do it three to five times a week.

Assert yourself in the work place in order to improve conditions for yourself and other women.

Take at least one hour a day for yourself.

Learn how to take short cat naps of ten to 30 minutes throughout the day when necessary.

Address and attempt to resolve the major conflicts in your life.

Allow yourself the time and space to grieve.

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