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Action Form: How To Save Your Uterus

If you had a medical diagnosis, how difficult was it to get a correct one?
Don't Know Easy Difficult Impossible

What kind of experience have you had with the medical profession?
Don't Know Bad Good Excellent

If you used a alternative practitioner, what kind of experience did you have?
Don't Know Bad Good Excellent

What did you find worked for you?
Stress Reduction Vitamins Herbs Diet Change
Prescription Drugs Exercise Time-Off Body Work

Who would you like to be informed about this subject?
Medical Associations Government Regulatory Agencies Elected Representatives Drug and Supplement Manufacturing Companies

What following conditions do you think apply to you. (Check anything that might apply)

anemic atherosclerosis bladder problems
bloating blood loss bowel surgery
cancerous growths cardiac disease cervical cancer
change in your sex life chronic PID chronic pelvic pain
CHRONIC CERVICITIS clots complications from anesthesia
coronary heart disease debilitating bleeding dryness
earlier menopause endometrial biopsy endometrial ablation
endometriosis endometriosis pain fear of pregnancy
fibroid tumour gallbladder surgery heart disease
heavy bleeding hemorrhage hormonal imbalance
hot flashes inability to hold urine infertility
iron deficiency irritability laparoscopic hysterectomy
large fibroid life threatening situation loss of motivation
menstrual irregularities MILD VAGINAL BLEEDING mood swings
myomectomy ovarian cancer ovaries removed
overweight painful periods painful sex
pelvic ultrasound pelvic pain persistent anemia
post-op depression post-op infections post-operative pain
premature lack of ovarian hormones pressure on bowel prolapsed uterus
removal of small fibroids Removal of both ovaries risk of bone loss
risk of atherosclerosis risk of coronary heart disease routine Pap smear
routine hysterectomy routine removal of the ovaries rupture of the uterus
scar tissue in the abdomen Severe Endometriosis sexual abuse
Stress incontinence subtotal hysterectomy subtotal hysterectomies
surgical complications surgical menopause symptoms of menopause
unnecessary hysterectomies unnecessary surgery unusual appearances of endo
urinary tract complications urinary incontinence uterine cancer
vaginal bleeding vaginal dryness

Check off any of the following items that you ingest.

amines Chinese herbs chlortripolon
dong quai estrogen pills fruit
GNRH herbs hismanal
hormonal medications hormone replacement therapy injections of testosterone
intravenous antibiotics Provera seldane
synthetic progesterone testosterone vaginal cream

Check off any of the following therapies or procedures you use.

acupuncture improve sexual pleasure Kegel exercises

Make your imput count. The information you submit will be compliled with all other submissions and used to activate for positive change in women's health.

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