Dealing With The Discomforts Of Pregnancy - Page 123 Making The Most of Your Pregnancy Section - Page 93 Dealing With The Discomforts Of Pregnancy - Page 121 Satisfying Childbirth Section - Page 125

Morning Sickness Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products Backache And Hip Pain Stretch Marks

These reddish brown permanent discolorations are related to the amount of weight gain as well as hereditary factors. You can limit your weight gain by eating only healthy food and staying away from desserts, extra bread and potatoes.

To help keep the skin more elastic, I usually recommend 200 to 400 IU of vitamin-E along with 500 to 1,000mg of vitamin-C taken by mouth. I also recommend daily application of vitamin-E oil to the whole abdominal area. Extra trace minerals, especially zinc and silicon, and bioflavonoids have also been suggested as supplements. Vitamin supplementation has not been proven to be effective, but some women claim that they work.

There are creams and lotions on the market that claim to prevent stretch marks but these are unproven.

After childbirth, the stretch marks usually fade and become silvery white over the next year. The sun can either darken or lighten these marks and they may become much more obvious. Half will improve and half will worsen after sun tanning. Some women have had good results with daily application of vitamin-E oil to the stretch marks twice a day for six months to one year after birth.

Stretch Marks Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products Resources Backache And Hip Pain

To prevent backache strengthen your back and abdominal muscles right from the beginning through gentle stretching exercises and regular aerobic exercise.

Make sure you pay a lot of attention to your posture. Avoid high heeled shoes at all costs as this puts too great a strain on the back.

If you have a persistent backache or hip pain, I feel it is a good idea to see a chiropractor experienced in seeing pregnant women. In fact I advise pregnant women to see a good chiropractor on an ongoing basis from the beginning of the pregnancy. I find this prevents back and hip problems before they happen.

Backache And Hip Pain Give Us Feedback On This Subject Text Scroll This Chapter Check Out Doctor DeMarco's Recommended Health Products How Painful is Childbirth ? Resources

HEALING YOURSELF DURING PREGNANCY, 1987, by Joy Gardener. A clearly written guide to herbs, vitamins and nutrition offering a holistic approach to pregnancy from inception to nursing the newborn baby.

ALTERNATIVE MATERNITY, 1989, by Nicky Wesson. This book was written by a British woman who was forced to learn about alternative medicine when her two young children were sick and unable to be helped by conventional medicine. This book provides a comprehensive guide to alternative therapies, including acupuncture, homeopathy and herbs.

WISE WOMAN HERBAL FOR THE CHILD-BEARING YEAR, (Ashtree, 1985), by Susun Weed. This book emphasizes using simple herbs, ritual and intuition to stay healthy during pregnancy and birth.

NATURAL REMEDIES FOR PREGNANCY DISCOMFORTS, produced by The Department of Health Services of California, is an excellent 25 page booklet costing $ 1.95.

All of the above books can be ordered by mail or phone from:

Dealing With The Discomforts Of Pregnancy - Page 123 Making The Most of Your Pregnancy Section - Page 93 Dealing With The Discomforts Of Pregnancy - Page 121 Satisfying Childbirth Section - Page 125


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